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Let's get to work..

   Hello and welcome to my blog. I've been off and on about ever starting a blog but I finally felt that I'm at a point in my life where it'd be better to fill the free time I have with writing as opposed to mindlessly scrolling through all of my social medias. So let me introduce myself. My name is Jessica Lair and I am an eighteen year old cosmetology student in Los Angeles. Actually, a more accurate title would be "Princess Jessica: Missionary to L.A.". Missionary? Eighteen? LA? Cosmetology student? Should any of those even be put in the same sentence and make any sense? Well they do and it's my life. Let me back up a bit and do some explaining.
    I've been a PK (pastors kid) for seventeen years. Well technically eighteen and counting considering the fact that my dad is still out preaching and he still has his credentials.. BUT ANYWAYS... I've basically lived at church my entire life. Growing up in the church I was able to understand a lot but there was one huge thing I had misunderstood my whole life. My sister was called to the mission field-specifically Africa- when she was twelve and ever since I could remember I thought being a missionary meant abandoning all comforts of America and traveling to a third world country to speak to a tribe that has never seen a human with pale, white skin such as mine. I never felt called to such a life and growing up I thought I was so unholy. No one ever down-talked me for it but it was something that my own mind made up and continued to taunt me with. My dreams and my heart were always in L.A. How could I be living the fullest life for Christ going to L.A. rather than saving a lost tribe?
   Towards the end of my freshman year is when my eyes really began to open. I had a teacher go in depth of my life verse and after that it become this uphill journey towards my calling. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8.
This verse is in red letters so you know it's important. Red letters= straight from the horses (aka Jesus) mouth. This was all said right before Jesus ascended into heaven so I take it as pretty important if it's our Savior's last words on earth. Look at the order of where we should be witnessing. Jerusalem is stated first (Jesus was in Jerusalem while saying all of this) and then I t goes to Judea, the next town over, Samaria, the next town over from Judea, AND THEN to the ends of the earth. Basically, a mission field is wherever a Christian steps foot and Christ calls us to start with that. Start at home, where your feet first land and then go towards other towns. Once I learned this and held it in my heart, I finally felt the call on my life.
    I was homeschooled my sophomore year and my sister was heading off to Africa *side note: my sister and I had a roller coaster of a relationship throughout my high school career but we totally love each other now*. There was a missions conference at my church and of course I had to go. Being bitter and jealous towards my sister at this time, I wanted nothing to do with all the love, prayer, and praise she was getting. I sat in the back and pouted like the sour little teenager I was but in mid-pout my youth pastors wife, Ashley Bello, came to pray over me. I sure love that family... I would totally move in with them if I could. While she was praying I really felt God calling me to my mission field. You see, at this point in my life I'm not meant for the ends of the earth but I was called to Judea. L.A. is pretty much the next town over from where I was so that's why I call it my Judea.. Make sense? You follow me? Good.
   So that's why I'm here in L.A. I've been here for just a few months and how my heart breaks for the people here. I can see the brokenness in their eyes and I can feel that some are just searching for the truth but have no idea where to look. So badly I just want to scream in their face and tell them that there is a Savior who loves them so deeply buuuuut if I did that I would probably be arrested. Instead of screaming out words I am trying to have my actions speak instead. I'm living out my faith and loving on the lost in hopes for any open door to speak of the wonderful God I serve. If I could help lead one person to Christ then I know that coming to L.A. was all worth it.
   To end such a long post I want to encourage all of you to take a hold of your mission field. People are ready and searching for the truth. Matthew 9:35-38 “Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” The harvest is plenty but there are very few who are willing to work. Your family, neighbors, coworkers, strangers on the street are all ready. So let's get to work.

-Jessica Lair


  1. I'm so glad you're doing this and I am so excited to read all of your future posts! Keep it up, love you!


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