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So selfie

  My senior year in high school my English teacher told me how "outspoken" I was. When he told me that, it was the biggest compliments of my life. As a Christian and a blogger, there is nothing I want more than to be outspoken. So today I'm going to be pretty outspoken and say it how I see it.
  I've noticed a problem with Christians today and what I've noticed is we are SO selfish. There seems to be a focus on "what can God do for me today?" instead of "what can I do for the kingdom of God today?" We love to go to church to be filled up but how many times do we leave the building to share about what was done to save us? Matthew 10:5-8 "Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: 'Don't go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, but only to the people of Israel-God's lost sheep. Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leporsey, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!" You were freely given this unfathomable love, eternal life, grace, hope, a future, and so much more how can you not give someone else that?!
   Sometimes we say church wasn't that great because we didn't feel the message was for us, but did you invite someone it could be for? Have you given someone a chance to find Christ? Romans 10:1 "Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved."
   We want to hear God speak to us, we want to have God heal us, we want to see God work a miracle in our lives, and all of these aren't bad! But when was the last time you wanted Him to speak, heal, and work in someone else's life? We have mentors in our life that constantly pour into us but do we ever pour back into them? Do we ever pour into other friends who have or haven't heard of Christ? We have these good Christian friends that "build us up" but do we ever do anything to build them up? 
  I challenge you, readers, to freely give. The altar call doesn't seem right for you but how about you go and pray for someone that felt called to kneel befor Christ. Give your pastor words of encouragement, pray for your pastor, pray for you friends, pray for the lost! Step out of your church and invite someone in. Tell someone what God sent His Son to do for all of us sinners. Ask someone "how are you?" and genuinely listen to what is on their heart. For a moment just shed your selfishness and pour into someone else's life. Give up the idea of "for me" and work on the idea "for them". 

DON'T BE SELFIE (get it?)

*Feel free to comment or email me for any prayer requests or questions*
Instagram: @jessicanicolelair
Twitter: @jessnicolelair

*Looking for a church in the LA area?*
Check out The Gathering LA
Sunday's at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. 
1725 Ivar Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028


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