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Hidden Not Forgotten

Exodus 2:2 "The woman became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She saw that he was a special baby and kept him hidden for three months."

*Back story to this verse- Pharaoh wanted all Hebrew baby boys killed so they couldn't grow up and overthrow him but then when Moses was born, his mother found a way to protect him. Then comes the classic story of being put in the river and taken in by the Pharoh's daughter.*

If I am vulnerable, there have been many times, even recently, where I have cried out to God and said, "You forgot me." Whether it was being passed up for the promotion, being rejected by someone, or simply just being overlooked in general. I have gone through seasons where I feel like I am constantly being overlooked and there have been many conversations between God and I where I have bitterly cried at the thought that the very God who created me, forgot about me.

Maybe I am not alone in this thinking. Maybe some of you have or are currently in the state of "You forgot me." But I came to understand, I was never forgotten, I was just hidden.


Why, if I so desperately wanted that promotion, would God hide me? What does it even mean to be "hidden"?

The truth is, as a believer, you are favored. You walk through life a little bit differently because you walk with the very creator of this world. So, there comes a time where the favored are hidden. But what is the purpose and why should we find comfort in it?

Well if we use baby Moses as an example it is quite simple. There was an assignment and a plot against Moses, and all the little baby boys. But, Moses was special. You first need to understand, you are hidden because you are special. If Moses wasn't seen as special there wouldn't have been a pressure to keep him safe against the men sent out to kill him. There will come times in your life where you will have to fight and there will come times where the Lord will fight for you- to keep you safe. Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."

Because Moses was special, there was a journey ahead for him. As a newborn, even Moses' mother knew he would not be able to handle the journey. He was too young and too reliant on his mother to be able to take that river on his own. So, she hid him for three months to grow before he would be sent off. (In my opinion, I think three months might still be too young for white-water rafting but that's just me.)  If you are being hidden it is because God sees the journey ahead of you and knows there is still some growing you need to do.

Moses was protected because he was too young to fight off the army against him. (He was a newborn. Like.. way too young to fight anyone.) Sometimes there are things we are wanting to walk into and be revealed to, but if we do- there is a battle that we aren't yet "old enough" to fight. We are hidden not because we can't fight the battles before us, but because we can't yet fight the battles before us. Moses had to learn to, oh I don't know, hold his own head up, before anything. We will walk into what we have been desiring and see what is on the other side, and I know for me personally, there will be a moment where we say, "Yeah I wasn't ready to fight that back then."

In fact, the story of Moses is so powerful because God brought Moses to the Pharoh's daughter but then allowed for him to go back to his mother so he can get the nourishment he needed to continue to grow enough to where he could be separated from her again. (Exodus 2:5-10) You are hidden because God knows what you need before you step out into the fullness of your purpose. Moses was brought to the Pharoh's palace but then taken back to grow more. God knew. Sometimes we can see, or maybe have even stepped foot, into what we feel like we are being hidden from. Going back, being hidden, isn't because God forgot about us but it's because He is taking us back to the source for us to grow. Pharoh's daughter couldn't go to the store and pick up formula to feed Moses, he had to go back to his source so he could get the proper nourishment to go to the palace and carry out the rest of his story.

The hidden seasons are hard. But there is a purpose for it. Moses was hidden so he could rely on his caretaker to grow. If you feel forgotten, understand you very well might be hidden and it's the perfect time for you to rely on your caretaker. Moses was seen as special and was hidden, you are seen as special and will go through your season of hidden, but that's the perfect opportunity to grow up and grow stronger before you step back into the palace.

You weren't forgotten, you were hidden.


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