I want to share something. If it sounds a bit harsh, I apologize, but I do feel it must be said. Tell me your name. Yes, I know I can't hear you but say your name out loud. (If you say it loud enough maybe I will hear you.) Your name was probably something like Fred, Denise, Billy Bob, or some crazy cool name like Jessica. Why am I wanting to know your name? Well for two reasons: 1) I'm trying to make a point and 2) I'm trying to make some more friends I'm pretty lonely over here. Here's the point I'm trying to prove... Just like hold on to your hats because this is CRAAAZY. Ready for your mind to be blown?! Okay *ahem* Your sin is NOT your name. Whaaaaaat????!!! Crazy I know.
Okay some of you are like "Well duh, I know my name isn't Lust". But here's the thing, you may think that your physical name isn't Lust but how do you identify yourself to Christ? So many times I've heard the very, I'm sorry but it is, very stupid excuse "I've done too much for God to forgive me". So basically Ms./Mr. Thief you are saying that because your name is Liar that God can't accept you into His kingdom. You want to know what I think? You are so stuck in your sin that you don't want to stop, so instead of accepting God's forgiving grace you come up with the idea that your sin is unforgivable and that instead of trying to live for Christ might as well live the rest of your life stealing, lying, cheating, etc.
Let me tell you a story. A long time ago, in a village far, far away (enjoy the Star Wars reference) the Son of God was born to a virgin. (Virgin? Son? Makes no sense. Want to learn more? Read Matthew 1:18-25 or Luke 2:1-21) *SPOILER ALERT* The Son of God who was born to a virgin? Yeah... He dies. Betrayed by His own disciple, this pure, holy, and sinless man is BRUTUALLY beaten and hung on a cross where He would die. The very people who shouted "Hosanna!" while throwing palm branches on the ground were the same people yelling "Crucify Him!" just a few days later. Beaten almost to death, Jesus was forced to carry His own cross... Yeah, the thing that they drove nails through His hands (or wrists). The thing He hangs from as His ribs begin to cave in and suffocate Him. Yeah, they made him carry that up a big hill. (Read John 19 for more description of the brutality He suffered.) Why did this sinless man suffer so much? He suffered to save the sinful person you and I are. He did not suffer for the "barely liar" or the "dirty thinker". No. He suffered to save the SINNER.
Here's some good news. Three days later He rose from the dead. Yes. Rose. From. The. Grave. No more dead. He lives. Jesus lives. Fulfilling prophecy (read 'Bible' for all prophecies that were fulfilled) He died, rose, and the ascended into Heaven to be with God. Jesus is a pretty cool guy. (Want more info on this super rad dude? Read 'Bible' for more info)
So maybe stop making the excuse that your sin is too big for the God of all this wonderful earth to forgive. God gave up His only and pure Son just so you can be forgiven. Want to know your name when you are with Christ? Forgiven. That's your name. You are no longer the sin that you claim is to big for God. You are now the child of the one true King. You are forgiven.
*picture stolen from Marissa lol*
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