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But as for me...

   The great thing about going to an AMAZING church service on Sunday and writing my blog on Monday is that I could totally steal the sermon from yesterday. Just kidding... Kind of.. 
    I guess today's post is really more of a reflection than anything else. Like I've said before I really try to be as transparent with my faith as I can be and so today I want to be pretty open about what's been going on in my heart and life. 
    I remember a time where me and my family where going through a transition time and were stuck in our own wilderness. It felt like every devotional we had as a family was relating to the Israelites wandering through the desert. It took us about three years to reach our promise land and whenever I go through a wilderness I always think back to that time in our lives.
    Well here I am back in my own wilderness walking around and around in circles waiting for my time to see my promise land. My life has become a circle of work 5-6 days a week for 5-6 hours, going straight to class for 5 hours 4 days a week, use my entire paycheck to fill my gas and pay my school bill, and then sit and wait for the next payment to come so I can empty my bank account yet again. This is EXHAUSTING. I can't tell you how many times I've cried out to God just begging Him to deliver me. How have I sat in this wilderness focusing on the hardships as a negative thing instead of seeing God prepare me for greater things to come?
   I've come to the realization that I've been like the Israelites complaining about everything in the wilderness instead of rejoicing that they were delivered from they Egyptians. So I've decided that they complained... 
                      But as for me... I will praise God in my desert
                      But as for me... I will find God at work in my wandering 
                      But as for me... I will wait on the Lord for my deliverance... with a joyful heart.
  What about you?

  Exodus 15:13 "With your unfailing love you lead the people you have redeemed. In your might, you guide them to your sacred home.

*Feel free to comment or email me for any prayer requests*
Instagram: @jessicanicolelair
Twitter: @jessnicolelair 

*Looking for a church in the LA area?
Check out The Gathering LA 
Sunday's at 11 am and 7 pm
1725 Ivar Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028


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